
Faith Pulis,Third Generation Owner and CEO of The Thoreau Club Keith Callahan, General Manager of The Thoreau Club While we all know that exercise is good for us, not all know just how good. Consistent and regular exercise and physical activity or sports participation has an almost unbelievable list of benefits. Exercise helps to prevent heart disease. It can treat and even control chronic conditions such as arthritis, diabetes and hypertension. Exercise improves muscle strength, increases bone density and even improves brain function! It also reduces injuries by helping to prevent accidents by improving balance and agility. Visit the website of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and you quickly learn that many of the leading causes of disease and early death are lifestyle related. That is to say, they can be mitigated with exercise. And unlike most medications – the side effects are actually good for you! Exercise and physical activity will improve your sleep, lift your mood and improve your quality of life. Half of all adults get the 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (such as brisk walking) recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And if you’re time constrained, you can Your Best Investment. shorten your exercise routine by increasing the intensity and you’ll only need a minimum of 75 minutes of per week. And remember that even a little activity is better than no activity. Some recent studies have shown that even 20 to 60 minutes of moderate exercise one or twice a week will yield benefits. At The Thoreau Club, we firmly believe that heathy people are happier people. We have a terrific group of dedicated instructors, coaches and trainers who are ready and eager to help. And it doesn’t matter if you’re just getting started or training for your next marathon. We can help. Add it to your calendar. Commit. Be Consistent. Bounce back from skipped sessions. And in only a few weeks you’ll find yourself building new habits and reaping the rewards of your investment. Your best investment is the investment in your health. 6 THOREAU INSPIRED | WINTER 2019