Brian Herrick

Tennis Programs Coordinator

photo of  Brian Herrick

Email: [email protected]

Hello, Thoreau Club members!!!

I joined the Thoreau Family in April 2016 and brought with me 15 years of experience managing tennis programs at the Weston Racquet Club.

Being an avid tennis player since the age of seven I’m very happy to be managing the Flextime® Tennis Program here at Thoreau and love the opportunity to get on the court as much as possible. So feel free to say hi and I’d be happy to show what Flextime® is all about!

I have been married since 2008 and met my wife while working together at the Weston Racquet Club! We have two beautiful daughters, they are the absolute lights of our lives : )

I’m a New Hampshire native and graduate of the University of New Hampshire, and anyone who knows me knows that I have a slight tennis racquet addiction (100+ and counting). While I love all sports, I'm a big baseball fan. Go Sox!

When not working, I can usually be found hanging with the fam.